
Ynglinga ätt

Ynglinga saga

Yngve-Frej, ättens påstådda stamfader. Olof Trätälja, som enligt sagan skall ha härskat i Värmland. Ynglingaätten var enligt fornnorsk och fornisländsk sagalitteratur en kungaätt som uppges ha varit ättlingar till Yngve-Frej, det vill säga guden Frej. De påstås ha regerat i Svearnas rike i Uppsala.

  • Sagokung webbkryss 5 bokstäver
  • Sagokung webbkryss 5 bokstäver

  • The Ynglings were a dynasty of kings, first in Sweden and later in Norway, primarily attested through the poem Ynglingatal. The dynasty also appears as Scylfings (Old Norse Skilfingar) in Beowulf.
  • Sagokung webbkryss 3 bokstäver

    ingegerd anna olovsdotter av ynglinga ätt (born ätten) was born to olof skötkonung eriksson av sverige munsö ätten and edla av ätten (born venden). ingegerd married jarolsav I gårdarike ruriks ätt.
  • Medlem av ynglingaätten alrek
  • Ynglingakung webbkryss

    Visbur or Wisbur in Scandinavian mythology was a king of the House of Ynglings and the son of Vanlandi. He was burned to death inside his hall by the arson of two of his own sons in revenge for rejecting their mother and denying them their heritage. He was succeeded by his son Dómaldi.

    Ynglingakung ane

      Ynglingatal or Ynglinga tal (Old Norse: 'Enumeration of the Ynglingar') is a Skaldic poem cited by Snorri Sturluson in the Ynglinga saga, the first saga of Snorri's Heimskringla. Þjóðólfr of Hvinir (Thjodolf), who was a poet for Harald Fairhair (r. –), is traditionally credited with its authorship.
  • ynglinga ätt

    1. Ynglingakung 3 bokstäver

    Ynglinga saga (modern Icelandic pronunciation: [ˈiŋliŋka ˈsaːɣa]) is a Kings' saga, originally written in Old Norse by the Icelandic poet and historian Snorri Sturluson about It is the first section of his Heimskringla. It was first translated into English and published in by Samuel Laing.

    Ynglingakung synonym

    Dagling The Dagling or Dögling dynasty was a legendary clan of the petty kingdom Ringerike in what today is Norway. It was descended from a Dag the Great. In the Ynglinga saga, Snorri Sturluson writes that the clan was descended from Dag the Great whose daughter Dageid married the Swedish king Alrekr and was the mother of Yngvi and Alf.

    Medlem av ynglingaätten alrek

    The Dagling or Dögling dynasty was a legendary clan of the petty kingdom Ringerike in what today is Norway. It was descended from a Dag the Great. In the Ynglinga saga, Snorri Sturluson writes that the clan was descended from Dag the Great whose daughter Dageid married the Swedish king Alrekr and was the mother of Yngvi and Alf.